Monday December 28, 2020
Malachi 1:1-5; 2:10-16; 2:17-3:5; 3:6-4
SU USA President Gail Martin is joined this week by Jonathan Lamb, author of this week’s readings in Matthew and minister-at-large for Keswick Ministries.
Jonathan is a writer and teacher, and the minister-at-large for Keswick Ministries. He served as a pastor in southern England, and then worked amongst students in British universities with the Universities and Colleges Christian Fellowship (the equivalent to Inter Varsity in the USA). During the 1980s he served as the coordinator for the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, and subsequently became the Regional Secretary for Europe and Eurasia for IFES, and the Associate General Secretary for the global work. He then became the founding Director of Langham Preaching, working with John Stott and Chris Wright to develop training programmes for pastors and preachers in some 70 countries around the world. He was subsequently appointed the CEO and minister-at-large for Keswick Ministries. Today he travels on behalf of all three agencies - IFES, Langham Preaching and Keswick Ministries - helping at teaching and training events. He is the author of several books, including Integrity (IVP); Preaching Matters (IVP); Faith in the Face of Danger: an introduction to the book of Nehemiah (Langham); From Why to Worship: an introduction to the book of Habakkuk (Langham); and Godliness from Head to Toe: an Introduction to the book of James (Langham). During 2020 he has published Essentially One: Striving for the Unity God Loves (IVP); The Only Comfort in Life and Death: faith and hope in the Pandemic (Christian Focus); and Strength in Weakness: an introduction to 2 Corinthians (Langham). Jonathan and Margaret live in Oxford, England, and have three children and five energetic grandchildren.