You Didn't Listen to Her!
Opening Prayer
God of Easter Sunday, God of everyday, I am filled today with the joy of my salvation. I praise You!
Read Mark 16:9-20
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“But God raised him from the dead … because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him” (Acts 2:24). Hallelujah! What a Savior!
In the middle of a major change in life things often seem bewildering. Looking back, we may be able to see the pattern to what God was doing. Whether by accident or design, the oldest manuscripts of Mark’s Gospel ended abruptly with the empty tomb, at a moment of confusion for his followers. A later editor may have added this brief summary of the resurrection stories, aimed to make a particular point.
We hear that Jesus appeared to Mary, then to a couple. When they reported it to others “who had been with” Jesus (10) they were not believed. Failure to believe the witnesses is rebuked (14) as stubborn refusal and lack of faith. This seems harsh. It is incredible that a man who has died should be seen alive. It would be natural to conclude that the witnesses were mistaken or deceived, but this was not a normal situation. These men had been with Jesus for three years and had already seen the power and glory of God revealed through the things that he said and did. If they had put aside their own stubborn egos and listened with care and attention to what Mary was saying, they could have seen that everything they had learned about Jesus pointed towards the wonderful event of the resurrection.
The writer labors the point because all over the world these disciples are now preaching the good news (15,20) to people who will only be able to learn it second-hand from the eyewitnesses. If they put aside stubborn pride and listen with open hearts to the whole Gospel from the beginning (1:1), they, too, can believe that Jesus is alive, at the right hand of God (19), able to save them from eternal death (16) and bring them into life.
What evidence for the resurrection can you share? How is your life clear evidence that Jesus is alive today?
Closing prayer
God of all hope, I truly know that the Gospel is really good news! Infuse me with joy and love so that my faith-sharing is an overflow from my heart.
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