Words and Wisdom to Witness
Opening Prayer
Lord, infuse the light of Your Holy Spirit into my mind and heart today. Help me to see where I am going.
Read ACTS 25:23-26:1
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“The ground at the foot of the cross is level” (Peter Marshall, 1902-1949). Leaders need to hear the Good News just as much as ordinary people.
We sometimes think it would be wonderful if some of our national leaders clearly heard the Gospel and came to belief in Christ. Luke shows how Paul presented the message of Jesus to Agrippa–a member of the influential ruling Herod family. All were known for their ruthless power, wielded with little regard for God, even though as part-Jews they were familiar with the religion. Recognizing Agrippa’s expertise, Festus consulted him, hoping to receive advice. Agrippa and his sister, Bernice, arrived at the court with a showy display of wealth and ceremony.
Paul was brought in from the prison, an unimpressive-looking older man, but with absolute confidence in God’s enabling, whatever the outcome. Paul knew his call was to proclaim the Gospel to Jews, Gentiles and their kings (Acts 9:15). He knew Jesus’ promise, to give words and wisdom to his followers when they were brought before kings and governors on his account, so he confidently faced the distinguished assembly and recounted his own journey to faith. This defense his adversaries could not “resist or contradict” (Luke 21:12-15). Agrippa knew about God and religion, but Paul witnessed to God’s life-changing work in him. The argument was compelling and difficult to deny.
The most powerful message we can bring to this world is our witness to God’s work through Jesus in our lives and the lives of others. This reaches across all nationalities, religions and political beliefs and all levels of society. We do not need to fear, because Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit will empower us to give the witness (Acts 1:8), and he will convict our hearers of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8). We may face opposition and danger, but God will use our witness to accomplish his will.
Pray for the opportunity, words and wisdom to share something of what God has done in your life with a not-yet-believer. You might need to give it some thought first.
Closing prayer
Lord, I pray for those who minister to our nation’s leaders. Give these chaplains, pastors and church leaders, great boldness in sharing Your Gospel.
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