Wisdom and Revelation
Opening Prayer
Sovereign Lord, touch my yearnings with Your words. I am ready to listen.
Read Proverbs 8:22-36
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“If we hold the Spirit of God to be the only source of truth, we will neither reject nor despise the truth, wherever it may reveal itself” (John Calvin, (1509-1564).
In verses 22-31 focus shifts to the Lord, who is the subject of the active verbs. Wisdom’s status is defined in relation to him and his actions. She has an intimate relationship with him, being depicted as his child. Having come into existence before anything else gives her a precedence over all created beings. Wisdom was at his side when he created the cosmos and so she knows the principles and plans used in creation. She delights in what he created, especially in humankind. Having been present throughout the process of creation gives her a unique knowledge of how it works. It fits her to be the mediator between the Creator and his creatures, teaching humans how to live rightly in his creation. This is the basis for the appeal in verses 33-36 to seek wisdom and listen to her instruction daily.
In Israel there were three sources of authoritative teaching: the priestly law, the prophetic word and the counsel of the wise (Jer. 18:18). Wisdom teaching has much in common with that found in the wisdom literature of Egypt and Mesopotamia which pre-dates it by centuries. This is not surprising. Knowledge of God can be gained by contemplating his creation. Because humans are made in God’s image, there is some innate knowledge of right and wrong. The experience of learning to cope with life in God’s world can result in insights into true wisdom. So, all genuine seekers after truth can learn from wisdom speaking through creation, conscience and experience. Wisdom can speak to God’s people through insights gained by those outside the faith. Calvin thought that to refuse to recognize this was to “offend the Spirit of God.” Of course, we must understand these insights within the context of “the fear of the Lord” if we are to use them as godly wisdom.
In this Scripture, “Wisdom” is begging you to listen. Are you? Why or why not? What first grabs your attention?
Closing prayer
Lord, help me to be open to wisdom speaking to me through unexpected sources, and enable me to discern it when it happens.
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