Why We Should Not Sin
Opening Prayer
Great God, King of heaven and earth, You are longsuffering with the rebellion and sin of a creation that resists and rejects You.
Read Deuteronomy 31:14-29
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Since, Lord, thou dost defend us with thy Spirit,. . . I’ll fear not what men say, I’ll labour night and day to be a pilgrim” (John Bunyan).
Before Moses died, God told him to write down a song (19). It was a disturbing song, a witness against the Israelites. God knew that after Moses died they would fall into idolatry, embracing the gods of Canaan (16). It must have grieved God profoundly to know his people’s unbelieving and disobedient hearts. Writing the song down must have broken Moses’ heart. It is a sad day when a leader approaches death knowing that the work he has done will crumble. But was it all in vain? Moses’ song repeats the idea that God is the Rock whose works are perfect and whose ways are just; the Rock is the Father and Savior of Israel and has the power to sell them to enemies if they break the covenant (Deut. 32:4,16,18,30). For Moses, who was prevented from entering the Promised Land, the lesson that God is our Rock was deeply imprinted on his heart.
After Moses’ death, the people would become “utterly corrupt” (29). They sank to their lowest after Moses died (compare 2 Chron. 34:33). Sadly, they probably feared Moses more than they feared God. Moses was the cat whose disappearance made the mice play. Little did they realize, though, that the lion was watching. When terrible “disasters and calamities” came (17,21), the people could not claim ignorance because the song testified against them, along with the Law and heaven and earth–three witnesses in all (19,26,28).
What keeps us from sinning? Is it social and cultural expectations or human authorities, whether secular or religious? Shouldn’t we avoid sinning because we fear God more than anybody else? (Exod. 20:20). If so, whether or not there are human observers, we will seek not to sin (Col. 3:22), for we are always conscious of God (Prov. 15:3).
Set aside some time to consider if there are thoughts, attitudes or practices in your life that are damaging your relationship with Jesus. Journal about these things, then talk to the Lord about them.
Closing prayer
Lord, You have asked me to walk blamelessly before You. May I do away with sin not because of those around me but because of You.
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