Where God Dwells
Opening Prayer
Holy Spirit, I want to be open to Your empowering presence. Make my heart Your home, I pray.
Read John 14:15-27
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“Through the miracle of the outpoured Spirit, God would dwell in human hearts. The body of the believer had become the temple of the living God and the human heart the home of Jesus Christ” (Robert Boyd Munger).
Partings are often painful. More demanding still is the pain of a broken relationship or the heartache of bereavement. We know that the early disciples had troubled hearts at the thought of Jesus’ departure (13:33; 14:1). He had been at the center of their lives and as they reflected on life without him, they must have felt as bereft as orphans (18). So Jesus now speaks very personally and tenderly to these anxious followers.
He promises them “another” helper (16), the Holy Spirit, who will make Jesus’ presence and power available to them and to all of God’s people (17,18). What is so extraordinary about Jesus’ description of the intimate fellowship between Father, Son and Spirit is the way in which Christian disciples like us are caught up in that relationship. We are united with Jesus, and enjoy his life (19,20). Jesus is not going away at all! And we belong to the Father, who will make his home with us (23,24). The Spirit will draw alongside as our teacher not only to illuminate the truth but, also, to empower us to obey. As if these remarkable assurances were not enough for troubled hearts, in his closing words Jesus promises us peace, that great blessing of the messianic age (27; John 20:19,21).
The readings from Acts this week are a living demonstration of how Jesus’ words came true for the early believers. As we turn our eyes towards him today, his words will also be true for us. Jesus is with us. His Spirit dwells within us. The Father makes his home with us. God–Father, Son and Holy Spirit–comforts our troubled hearts and empowers us for obedient service.
Alongside the promise of God’s presence is the call to obedience (23). Seek God’s forgiveness as needed, and pray that your life will be a home fit for the King.
Closing prayer
Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I want my life to reflect Your presence in me. Keep working in me, I pray.
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