Two Economies
Opening Prayer
Good Father, help me remember that Your blessing is not automatic and to take hold of a life in step with You.
Read Deuteronomy 11:1-32
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“We seek our rest in things that are so trivial, in which there is no rest. . . God alone is true rest” (Julian of Norwich).
God gave his people a choice–to walk in the path of blessings or the path of curses (29). It depended on whether they would love and obey the Lord wholeheartedly and “hold fast” to him (22). They were warned to guard against being enticed by idols (16). They were eyewitnesses of the Lord’s miracles in Egypt, at the Red Sea and in the desert (7), but even eyewitnesses can suffer from poor memory and unfaithfulness. How quickly we forget God and his ways in the marketplace of idols (1 John 5:21)!
The blessings connected with obedience included good harvests and prosperity (13-15), because the economies of the Promised Land and Egypt differed greatly. In Egypt, they sweated and toiled to irrigate the dry land, but God’s land “drinks rain from heaven” and enjoyed God’s care and oversight throughout the year (10-12). Since God had the power to send blessings or curses, they were to fix God’s words in their hearts and minds, regularly teaching them to their children (18-21; Deut. 6:4-9). Their future depended on how seriously they took God’s Word.
In the modern marketplace, prosperity is often sought through greed and falsehood. God is forgotten in a highly secularized world, and morals are thrown to the winds in an increasingly immoral world. All too often, greed and anxiety drive the modern economy. How should Christians live in such a world? They must reject anything that can take the place of God, leave no room for idols in their hearts and learn to thrive in God’s alternative economy which is marked by trust in God, gratitude, generosity and righteousness. This is the path of blessing. After all, our generous God has promised to meet all our needs from his own resources (Phil. 4:19).
In which of the two economies do you find yourself? How can you fix God’s Word in your heart and mind and teach it to the next generation?
Closing prayer
Eternal One, how easily I look to myself and the ways of this world to get ahead, to get my needs met, to care for my family. Forgive me, Lord, and make me new.
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