Triumphal Entry
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, forbid it that my words of praise be in words alone. May I keep the road to my heart always open to You.
Read Luke 19:28–44
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Jesus’ entry is a major statement about God’s plan and the nature of his kingship. It is a message some rejoice in, others do not understand, and still others emphatically reject” (Darrell Bock).
Enter an Israeli town or village today and the chances are that there will be a sign saying “Blessed is the one who comes.” What to us sounds like a special greeting was in fact the standard way of saying “Welcome.” What changes here is that the one who comes is “the king” who comes “in the name of the Lord” (38). This makes all the difference, since this is also “the time of God’s coming to you” (44).
Once more Jesus was being provocative. He could quite easily have passed on this occasion, but his entry to Jerusalem was a staged event carefully arranged beforehand, however spontaneous and genuine his disciples’ welcome may have been (37). Jesus engaged in a prophetic action through which he was asserting himself to be a king for Israel, as the prophets had predicted (Zech. 9:9). Yet, far from entering on a war horse to take Jerusalem by force, he came in humility and peace, riding on a donkey. This expressed the nature of his mission: to come in peace in order to make peace. It was because the inhabitants of Jerusalem rejected his way and preferred the way of violent rebellion against Rome that Jesus understood them to be rejecting him (42). How different things might have been had they trusted in God! As he gazed at Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives, Jesus foresaw that 40 years later the legions of the Roman army would encamp on that same spot as they laid siege to Jerusalem and in AD 70 destroyed both city and Temple, with all the terror and cruelty that went with such an event (43,44).
Jesus made peace with God on our behalf, but the peace he brings also means laying all hatred towards others on one side.
“Whoever welcomes me does not welcome me but the one who sent me” (Mark 9:37b). As you reflect today, welcome the King of Peace once more into your life.
Closing prayer
Dear Lord, let my thoughts, words and conduct keep me on the good path You have laid out for me.
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