There Is Only One Israel
Opening Prayer
Amazing God, I can never go where You are not, nor sink beneath the level of Your love. Now, I come to listen to You.
Read Romans 11:11-24
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“… and he made known to us the mystery of his will … to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ” (Eph. 1:9,10).
In spite of Israel’s present hostility, this is not the end. God in his wisdom is using it to effect not only the Gentiles’ salvation (c.f. 10:19) but also Israel’s. This is why Paul glorifies his Gentile ministry. He wants his fellow Jews to be sufficiently provoked that some might turn and be saved. Again, Paul’s argument rests on not all Israelites being Israel.
Israel was always both smaller and larger than national Israel. It was smaller in that the elect did not include all who are Jews by birth. It was larger because it always embraced Gentiles who believed, and these now include Paul’s primarily Gentile churches. These converts, however, never replaced or were independent of that Israel who is the recipient of God’s promises. Instead, being grafted in, their destiny was indissolubly tied up with God’s elect in Israel: namely, those who follow Jesus. Consequently, if the failure of Israel meant salvation to the world, what will the complete in-gathering of God’s elect in Israel mean, if not the climax of everything, even the resurrection of the dead (15)?
Gentile believers, then, ought not to boast but should take careful note of both God’s severity and his kindness. He was kind in engrafting them, but he broke off faithless natural branches. And if Gentiles can be grafted into a root not their own, how much more can those Israelites who, being provoked, repent? The right response is thankful awe. The church is not a replacement for God’s Israel. Although we are all one in Christ, it is we Gentiles who are grafted into his firstfruits, elect Israel. Far from boasting, we ought, in humble thanks for his mercy do all we can to be a light, provocative in the best sense, to the unrepentant in Israel.
Ask God to help our Christian churches and communities truly become the kinds that will serve his purposes for all of his people.
Closing prayer
Lord, I’m humbled and blessed to be called Your child. Thank You for bringing me out of darkness into Your glorious light. May my light shine out to others.
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