There Is a Plan
Opening Prayer
God of surprises, be present with me today in ways I cannot imagine; in love and power and in compassion and kindness.
Read Joshua 6:1–11
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
God’s clocks keep perfect time! When we remember this, we are less likely to be impatient.
One of the key lessons Joshua was having to learn was obedience. It was right there in his commissioning by God (1:7,8). He had the Book of the Law from Moses and was to mull it over, meditate on it and above all obey. But God also spoke to him with specific instructions. As we see in today’s reading, some of them seemed quite strange! What is striking
is Joshua’s unquestioning obedience. He had learned—and continued to learn—that God’s plan can always be trusted.
Jericho—literally Moon City!—was a strategically placed oasis just north of the Dead Sea. With Joshua and the Israelites nearby the inhabitants ran scared and shut up shop (1). They had heard what God had done for Joshua and his people. Still, Joshua didn’t do anything immediately. He was waiting for instructions. The memory of his meeting with the commander of the Lord’s army was very recent (5:13–15). But then they came! Daily marching, trumpets, the Ark—it wouldn’t be unlike the wilderness experience. Was this some kind of mind game to beat Jericho psychologically? Possibly, but more importantly it was a spiritual exercise to test and train God’s people in obedience. Just as when they crossed the Jordan, God’s plan was that he would lead the way. The Ark of the Covenant was his presence with them. Joshua knew that true spiritual leaders humbly pass on what God has said. That’s just what he did (6,7). And having learned these lessons before, the
priests and the people also obeyed (8,9). Perhaps they were itching to attack, but the instruction had not yet come. They had to remain quiet (10). Waiting for God’s next instructions can be hard, but it’s much better than rushing ahead without them.
Think back to a time in your life when God kept you waiting. How did you cope? What was the outcome? What did you learn?
Closing prayer
“Give me understanding, so that I may keep your law and obey it with all my heart” (Psa. 119:34).
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