The Suffering Church
Opening Prayer
Lord, help me to understand why the early Christians experienced suffering, and make me willing to gladly follow their example.
Read Acts 5:17-42
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“If we know for whom and for what we are living, we are more likely to be willing to suffer and stand alone for what is right” (Serendipity Bible).
The dramatic growth of the new community in Jerusalem brings a swift and violent reaction. Although the attempt of the religious leaders to suppress the witness of the disciples is brutal and unjust (40), it is also pathetic and futile. As William Willimon says, there is something about the gospel that “renders prison ineffective.” The persecuted Church discovered strength to persevere, both through unexpected support from within the Sanhedrin (34-39) and through the boldness and joy which made the apostles irrepressible (41,42).
Is not this picture of the suffering Church just as challenging as the depiction of the sharing Church in 4:32-37? And why is our own experience so different? For most Christians in the developed world, it is almost inconceivable that we might be regarded as dangerous subversives who need to be detained and roughed up! And should this happen, would our reaction be like that of the apostles who were glad to have been “worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name” (41)?
Why did the new community, so admired by “the people,” come to be loathed and feared by those who held power? The answer is that Jesus’ alternative way of living together, based on love, sharing and justice, threatened powerful leaders who benefited from the existing system. If not contained, it would bring the wrath of the Romans whose domination forms the background to these narratives. (19:40; John 11:48). Once we understand this, the apparent gulf between our world and that of the first century begins to shrink. We, too, live in a system that extends its power and influence to every part of the globe. It challenges us to recognize how the preaching of Christ, crucified and risen, impacts this world, and to recover the apostolic boldness and joy that will enable us to endure “disgrace for the Name.”
Many Christians suffer for their witness today. Pray for them and ask the Holy Spirit to grant a renewed boldness in witness to the whole Church, especially yours.
Closing prayer
Amazing, loving Lord, may Your love so possess me that whatever I do in word or deed may be done in Your strength and to Your glory.
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