The Right Time to Go
Opening Prayer
Lord, I want to finish the race well. May I give myself for You and for that which lasts forever. Fill me with vision to live it out.
Read Deuteronomy 32:48-52; 34:1-12
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Make us thy mountaineers. . . Fill us afresh with hope, Thou God of hope, That undefeated, we may climb the hill As seeing him who is invisible” (Amy Carmichael).
Moses was 120 years old when he stood at the edge of the Promised Land. God had him climb Mount Nebo to get a panoramic view of the land he was giving Israel (34:1-4). It was a vantage point that would inspire and energize, but for Moses it was like a sign in a shop: “You can see, but you cannot touch.” He knew that he would never set foot in the land (32:51,52). Mount Nebo was where he would die (32:50). Imagine climbing a mountain when you are so old, knowing that you will die there. It could have made Moses bitter. Is this how God treats his friends? But Moses knew his God well; he could trust him for his wisdom and justice, love and faithfulness. He accepted God’s will and died with a wonderful view of the land. Although he was still physically fit (34:7), his work was done and it was time to go home to God.
God buried Moses secretly (34:6)–a special touch. Now, at the end of his life, Moses is called “the servant of the Lord” (34:5), a divine verdict that rises above all human assessment. He was God’s special servant, through whom God did mighty miracles and with whom God spoke “face to face” (34:10; Heb. 11:27). These verses are a fitting eulogy for this man of God (34:10-12). There really was no one like him.
God uses us for his larger plans. We often see horizons we may not personally reach, but we know that our successors and descendants will reach them, because the same God will lead them. It is good to be a runner in the relay team that will ultimately win, and to have run your race well (Heb. 11:39-12:3).
God may be using you to prepare others to go places where you cannot go. Will you trust God and work with him, for his glory?
Closing prayer
It is not about me, Lord. I live for Your glory, for Your will. Use me as You desire and let my life be a source of pleasure to Your heart. Thank You.
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