The Parting of the Ways
Opening Prayer
Holy One of God, You are the way to God, the truth about God, and the life in God. I praise Your name.
Read John 6:60-71
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
In evangelism, we speak to and continually pray for our friends, believing that God is already reaching out to them (65).
The crowd continued to react against Jesus and the claims he was making. John tells us that some had regarded themselves as disciples up till this moment, but no longer (66). Jesus turned to the twelve and gave them the chance to leave with the others (67). This is the first time “the Twelve” are identified as such in this Gospel. We learn that Jesus had chosen them. When Peter replies, he calls Jesus “Lord” (68). This is another first, the first time by a named disciple in John’s Gospel. We are at a watershed moment where the twelve acknowledge Jesus as the Holy One of God, and seal their identity with his. This is a corporate confession. Peter speaks on behalf of the whole group. Where else could “we” go?
Throughout these dialogues Jesus has been fully aware of those who believe and those who do not (64). His strong words had merely brought the real situation out into the open. Underlying this parting of the ways is the distinction, which first appeared when Jesus spoke with Nicodemus (John 3:1-21), between the “flesh” (human life lived apart from God) and the action of God, the “Spirit.” Jesus’ words are Spirit. They are God’s anointed words. They have the power to give life. But they have fallen on some spiritually deaf ears. Human nature, apart from God, “loved darkness instead of light” (John 3:19).
If men and women are to find God, then the Spirit must take the initiative, the Son must call, as he did the twelve, and the Father must make a response possible. This emphasis on the Father’s sovereign action echoes throughout this Gospel (cf. 37,44, and 65). God’s sovereignty, however, is never used to negate human responsibility. Human beings make real choices in John’s Gospel.
What teaching did Jesus’ followers find so unacceptable (6:54-56)? What words of Jesus are hard for you to accept?
Closing prayer
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your words have come alive to me. I stand in awe of the mystery of Your ways, calling me to Yourself.
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