The Name of God
Opening Prayer
Thank You, Lord, for minds to think, hearts to feel, and hands and feet to do.
Read Exodus 3:1-22
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
What would your “land of milk and honey” be like (17)?
Our story, which has rushed through eight decades in the last two chapters, comes to a juddering halt today in front of “the bush” (everyone knows which bush that is), in the back of beyond (see also Deut. 33:16). The rabbis said that God spoke to Moses from a thorn bush to show that he can shine through us also! We meet the word “holy” for the first time in the Bible–holy through the divine presence, of which the fire is a symbol (Gen. 15:17; Exod. 19:18; Deut. 4:11,12). Could the fire also be a symbol of the torment that was not permitted to consume the Israelites, lowly though they were?
I focus today on the wonderful way in which this story, poised between the Israelites’ past (“God of your fathers”) and their glorious future (“land flowing with milk and honey”), can speak to me. I am caught up in the torrent of time, the rushing river of change, tossing me from the past to the future. But underneath all this change is the God who is, the God who is there, the One who is not the great I WAS but the great I AM. This chapter does not just reveal who God is. I ponder the more than 20 verbs (action words) that describe what God does. I imagine Moses’ growing excitement as God says “I have indeed seen … I have heard … I am concerned … I have come down … I have seen …” (7-9). Moses is thinking to himself, “Great! Wonderful!” and then suddenly God says, “You’re the one! I am sending you to Pharaoh; and you’re the one to bring my people out of Egypt.”
God is with me now. I know his name. I know his holy character. I know that, through thick and thin, he will bring me to the future that his love has planned for me.
What Hittites, Perizzites, etc, am I looking for God to help me to overcome on my way to the “land flowing with milk and honey”?
Closing prayer
Lord, in the rushing river of time, help me to find my footing on the great rock of Your eternal “AMness.”
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