The Mystery of Salvation
Opening Prayer
Great Lord God, Your clocks keep perfect time. Help me to keep the right pace in following Your will.
Read Hebrews 2:10-18
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“There, right in the dark fist of your worst fear, is the door to abundant life” (Barbara Brown Taylor). Suffering and struggle can lead to times of great spiritual growth!
Think Further
Today’s reading takes us to the heart of our salvation. Read it again slowly. The idea in v. 10 is very similar to what I have long believed to be the most extraordinary statement in Scripture: “It was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer” (Isa. 53:10). With Peter we want to cry out “Never, Lord! … This shall never happen to you!” (Matt. 16:22), only revealing that we do not have our minds set on the things of God. We do not realize the depth of the plight that we are in and the depth of God’s love for us, that he chose to go to this length in order to bring us to glory. It was fitting–think about it–that Jesus should complete (“make … perfect”) his life the way that he did (10).
But he did, and those of us who have put our faith in him, he calls brothers and sisters. There is nothing that can separate us from his presence and his love (Rom. 8:35-39). Even death itself has been disarmed. During his earthly ministry, the demons yielded to Jesus’ power. Now the devil himself is conquered (14,15). We read of men and women through the ages who amazed those who threatened them and wonder how it was possible for them to stand firm with such courage. Peter himself was a changed man in the book of Acts. Hebrews will present us with a pageant of such leaders in ch. 11. How is this possible? “In bringing many sons and daughters to glory, it was fitting that God … should make the author of their salvation perfect through suffering” (10). It was not angels, but us that God chose to save.
Don’t miss v. 18, a very down-to-earth corollary, a promise that has been precious to generations of Christians.
You will be tempted somehow, sometime during this day. Memorize v. 18 and be ready to apply it then.
Closing prayer
Heavenly Father, I need to trust You more than I trust my fears. In all things, may I co-operate with You for Your glory.
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