The Moment of Truth
Opening Prayer
Loving Lord, today I surrender all my hopes and dreams, desires and visions, to follow Your perfect will.
Read LUKE 22:1-23
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Close your eyes and hum or sing, “I have decided to follow Jesus… No turning back. No turning back.” If you do not know the song, go to YouTube, put the first few words in the search bar, and you will find the lyrics and melody.
People sometimes use the phrase “moment of truth” to describe the point at which they must make a significant decision. I remember the struggle I went through prior to becoming president of Scripture Union USA in 1997. At the time I was on the Board and the ministry was facing serious challenges. Should I relocate my family to join the staff of an organization that seemed about to crash? My wife and I asked for some time. We left the meeting, and went to our hotel room to pray. I can’t say I felt overly confident but when we returned I said, “OK, I’ll do it.” It was my moment of truth.
Whether they realized it or not, the disciples had reached a moment of truth in their relationship with Jesus. For three years they’d followed him around Judea, hearing him preach, watching his miracles and pondering his identity. Now he offers them bread and wine and says, “Do this in remembrance of me” (19). They still had a lot to learn, but the disciples accepted Jesus’ offer. Tragically, Judas had already made his decision (4) and in the process opened himself to the influence of Satan (3). For us, the moments of truth come whenever we take a step towards or away from Jesus.
But why had Jesus “eagerly desired” to eat this particular Passover meal with his disciples (15)? After all, he knew it was the precursor to unbelievable suffering. The answer is wrapped up in the word “fulfillment” (16). The time had finally come for Jesus to accomplish the mission his Father had given him: to save the world from sin and to make a relationship with God possible once again. It was the moment of truth Jesus had been working towards all his life.
What “moment of truth” are you facing today? A situation where you need to take a bold step towards Jesus and his priorities? How will you do that?
Closing prayer
Father, help me to discern moments of truth. Enable me to grasp them so that I may fulfill Your purposes for me.
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