The Last Word
Opening Prayer
Heavenly Father, I bow in worship and praise before You today. What an amazing and awesome God You are.
Read John 12:37-50
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Deuteronomy 18:15-22 is a vital background passage for today. Read this prophecy; think about how it applies to Jesus.
This passage falls into two sections, both of which sum up the public ministry of Jesus, which now ends in John’s Gospel. Verses 37-43 are John’s summing-up, addressing the reason why–in spite of verses 11 and 19–few people have believed in Jesus. Then verses 44-50 is Jesus’ own summary, a summary of his message and of what is at stake in faith or unbelief towards him.
You may have spotted how Jesus’ words draw upon the prophecy in Deuteronomy 18. He is the prophet like Moses, charged with a message from God which the people must hear. If people refuse to believe him, they will discover on the Day of Judgment that his words were not those of a false prophet but of the one sent by God himself. This is what Jesus means when he says that his word will be the judge at the last day (48). So Jesus (and John) leaves us with a radical challenge: will we really take his word seriously, and live by it as the truth?
Not to do so is much easier! John’s summary in verses 37-43 underlines the cost of faith. There were many secret believers, he says, who kept quiet for fear of the social consequences of confessing their faith in Jesus (42). The dominant culture was one of unbelief. And indeed it had to be so, says John, because it was prophesied that the Messiah would be rejected by his people (38-40). His rejection and death, we know, is essential to the plan. So what will be the “last word” for us? Will it be the word of Jesus, which we will hold to and confess publicly, or will it be the word of the unbelieving culture which surrounds us, and which will reject us as it rejected him?
Think this challenge through for yourself: What could you do to confess your faith more openly?
Closing prayer
Lord, sometimes I feel I am a somnolent saint. I shrink from opportunities to faith-share, and I hide Your light from others. I ask for renewed courage and faithfulness.
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