The Lamb Wins
Opening Prayer
Great and loving God, prepare me for the unexpected. Open me to a fresh touch from You today.
Read REVELATION 5:1-14
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“To him who loves us and has loosed us from our sins by his blood, and has lifted us to be a kingdom and priests, be glory!” (based on Rev. 1:5,6).
Events around a throne usually follow established protocol. People are carefully instructed what to do, where to stand and how to respond. There is no room for the spontaneous or the unexpected. But not here, for the living God acts in ways that leave us open-mouthed in wonder. John longs to know the future for his churches in these hard times. He needs assurance that faith will survive his lifetime, and the assurance he craves is tantalizingly close, in the scroll of destiny.
Unfortunately, this scroll is sealed. Moreover, in all that vast, splendid gathering, no one seems suitably qualified to break the seal. If no one there can unlock the future, can any hope remain? Tears still flow at the apparent impotence of heaven when life seems out of control. It seems that we are destined to stumble on in the dark, with nothing to light our path.
Then comes the second moment of high drama. Only one person has the necessary qualifications, and he is recognized by all and given his place of pre-eminence. The Lion of Judah sounds regal enough, but John sees on the throne a lamb. He is honored, not for the splendor of his appearance but for his wounds of battle. It is his sacrificial death for humankind that calls forth prayer and praise. He is the conquering Lamb. Suddenly it seems that a curtain is drawn back to allow all the cast to enter and recognize this defining moment in human history. The throne room becomes even more crowded, as all of the created order, and creation itself, are moved to music and song. Singing has always been a natural response for those who witness God at work, saving and redeeming.
Sing or pray your own song of praise to Jesus, the Lamb. Praise him for his saving, redeeming work.
Closing prayer
Lord, You died that I might live. You suffered that I might be made whole. You shed Your blood that I might be cleansed from sin. Hallelujah, what a Savior!
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