Opening Prayer
Gracious Father, You give mercy and acceptance, love and forgiveness in an unending, undiminishing supply. Thank You.
Read REVELATION 14:1–13
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Sometimes the thought of cessation of the difficulties of life on earth can be very appealing!
The picture of Satan on the sand (Rev. 13:1) is replaced by one of the Lamb standing on the solidity of Mount Zion. The redeemed from chapter 7 appear again. They are secure, whatever happens on earth. The followers of the beast may wear his mark, but these have the name of Jesus and his Father on their foreheads to identify them. While evil increases on the earth, the people of God sing a new song of praise of the work of Christ. He has made them pure like virgins (Eph. 5:26,27) as they are plucked out of sinful humanity.
The 144,000 proclaim the truth of God and now an angel takes up the Gospel message. The Gospel is for all people. The beasts may attack, but the Gospel call still comes. When we are attacked as Christians, we should not respond with violence or in defense of our own interests, but always seek to have the opportunity to tell people about the Gospel (Luke 21:12–15; Matt. 24:14). Alongside the Gospel message there is the pronouncement of the judgment of God on Babylon that we will see played out in chapter 18. With it comes the warning to those who have been deceived by the beast that if they do not repent, the fate of Babylon will be their fate as well.
Christians are called to faithfulness, which may result in their deaths on the earth, so they are given a tremendous promise that has comforted believers down the centuries. There is a blessing for those who die in the Lord. There is a rest from the labors of this world. We are not saved by our deeds, but our deeds that have been done in righteous belief will follow us into eternity for our joy.
“They follow the Lamb wherever he goes” (4)—the mark of a faithful believer! How goes it with you?
Closing prayer
Thank You, Lord, for the security I have in You. You have done so much for me and my heart’s desire is to follow You at all times.
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