Opening Prayer
Father, inspire me with fresh insight and a new vision of You. I battle a divided loyalty and waning trust.
Read ZECHARIAH 14:1–21
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Lift up your heads to the coming King / Bow before him and adore him” (Steven Fry). This is another great worship song available on YouTube.
As the people of Judah look around their Temple building site—as we look around our troubled world—Zechariah’s words encourage and inspire his listeners. In spite of our struggles now, God has a specific day in mind when he will come to reign over all the earth (5–9).
The ideas in Zechariah’s prophecy come thick and fast. As he interweaves familiar pictures from the story of God’s people, he seeks to communicate the vision of the future that God is giving him. God’s judgment comes on Jerusalem, exercised through its enemies; some people go into exile, some stay behind (1,2). The image would resonate with Zechariah’s listeners. A great earthquake prompts memories of the one during King Uzziah’s reign (4,5; Amos 1:1). Does it create a safe escape for God’s people, or is it making the way straight for the coming King (Isa. 40:3–5)? Then, a terrible plague comes on their opponents (12–15), bringing to mind God’s destruction of their enemies in Egypt. It signals the future defeat of all who would destroy God’s kingdom. God is victorious.
This is the day… when the Lord himself will stand on the Mount of Olives overlooking his people (4). Here is the image of eternal light (6,7), of a river bubbling and flowing out from Jerusalem, bringing his life for all who are thirsty (8; Rev. 22:1–5; John 4:13,14). And, “The Lord will be king over the whole earth” (9). No more desolation; no more destruction; God’s people are safe with him (11) and the old enemies turn to worship God (16). Now, “holy to the Lord” is inscribed through their lives (20,21). There will be no more need for the old rituals of sacrifice and ceremony (20,21). Now, in the light of God’s Son on the mountain, his people are redeemed and made holy.
“Precisely because we cannot predict the moment, we must be ready for all moments” (C. S. Lewis, 1898–1963). How does this quote, referring to the return of Christ, impact you?
Closing prayer
“Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (Rev. 22:20).
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