The Journey Begins
Opening Prayer
Lord, as I read Your Word, may I suffer no confusion, but walk in confidence. Please guide my steps today.
Read Genesis 28:10-22
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
God can meet us in unexpected places and unexpected ways. We need to be alert and ready.
Prior to setting out on his own, Jacob grew up in an atmosphere of parental favoritism and sibling rivalry. His mother, Rebekah, received a word from the Lord during her pregnancy of great future significance: both her children would father great nations, and the elder would serve the younger (Gen. 25:23). A distinct preference for her second twin led to her subsequent manipulation of events with which Jacob colluded. His whole life up to this point has been marked by trickery and lies; if his life could be described as a car driven by his mother, he was a more than willing passenger.
His life had also been marked by second-hand knowledge of God. His first direct reference to God is impersonal and a lie (Gen. 27:20). All of this hardly makes for an auspicious beginning to his career as a patriarch. Nevertheless, he is one of the people through whom God is ultimately going to bring salvation to the world. In a dream, he experiences a theophany (an appearance of God), and hears the promises first made to Abraham for himself. His response to meeting with God is twofold: first, he makes an altar of his stone pillow and consecrates it; and, recognizing that the Lord has revealed himself there, he names it “the house of God.” Second, he makes a conditional vow, in effect promising that if God does his part in looking after him, Jacob will respond with commitment and tithing.
Jacob isn’t the only biblical character to demonstrate that, despite being a sinful, flawed individual, he is still of great worth to God and can still be used by him. Through his experiences, Jacob comes to acknowledge the hand of God in his life, and becomes who God intended him to be all along.
The Lord met Jacob to assure him of his blessing and future promise. Reflect on your own experiences of meeting God. What characterizes them? How do you respond?
Closing prayer
Holy Father, I ask that You open the eyes of my heart, so that I will be aware of Your working in my circumstances and life.
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