The Fear of the Lord
Opening Prayer
Powerful One, override my resistant ears with a penetrating word. I am ready.
Read Proverbs 9:1-18
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“The ‘fear not’ of verse 1 comes with a promise. If we fear God we will become judicious, understanding, knowledgeable, and astute” (Mark Galli). So we need to chill out. Fear not. Or at least don’t fear relatively petty things!
Proverbs 1-9 closes with a challenge to choose between the two ways of wisdom and folly. It is presented in terms of responding to invitations from wisdom and folly, personified as women, to have a meal in their house. In each case the house is located at “the highest point of the city” (3,14). This is where the temple of the God worshiped in the city would be, so this is implicitly a challenge to choose which God you will serve. It is a choice that we face daily, as the advertising media present us with the siren calls of the gods of our culture, such as money, sex and power.
The point is driven home in verses 7-12 as they contrast the “mocker” with “the wise.” The mocker in Proverbs is someone whose arrogance makes them unteachable, but the wise are always open to correction and instruction. However, the issue is not just intellectual, it is once again theological: “the fear of the Lord” (10). There are different aspects to “the fear of the Lord.” It involves a deep sense of awe before the power and numinous presence of God. It means having a loyalty and love for God that is shown in obedience to his commands. In this sense it becomes a motivation for how one lives and treats people. The Hebrew word used for “beginning” (10) indicates that “the fear of the Lord” is the precondition for wisdom. The second half of the verse reinforces the first. The word for “knowledge” can mean “to acknowledge, recognize,” which seems to be the meaning here. True understanding begins with acknowledging that there is a holy God to whom we owe allegiance. This is why arrogance prevents the mockers from gaining wisdom. Growth in wisdom requires the humility of teachability.
How teachable are you? When did you last accept correction or learn something new as a disciple of Jesus?
Closing prayer
Lord, show me any barriers I have to being teachable, and give me the grace and humility needed to remove them.
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