Supporting Leaders
Opening Prayer
Resurrected One, I praise You for Your sweeping victory. I bless You for the grace and strength You give.
Read NUMBERS 3:1-13
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Christ has turned all our sunsets into dawns” (Clement of Alexandria, 150-215). The Resurrection can mean new life, new hope, and new possibilities for us.
Think Further
Blaise Pascal (1623-62) once said there are two kinds of servants: the servants who go ahead with torches to light the way and the servants who come behind carrying the bags. The service rendered by the Levites in ancient Israel was of the second kind. Their raison d’être was to support the priests in the vital ministry of being intermediaries between God and the people. Teamwork was key for the Levites as they fulfilled their tasks of setting up, dismantling, and carrying the tabernacle during Israel’s 40-year pilgrimage in the wilderness. Mundane tasks? Yes. But necessary. Without the practical support of the Levites, the priests could not have functioned.
The tabernacle was the place where YHWH mysteriously visited his people. Occupying a space equal to half of a modern football field, it was the center of the Israelite encampment and the focus of the pilgrim community. Its basic structure was a courtyard, Holy Place, and Most Holy Place. This configuration is a teaching model of the heavenly sanctuary (Heb. 8:1-6). Today, on Easter Monday, we specially celebrate the fact that the risen Christ is interceding for us within that sanctuary and we rejoice that his mediation prevails. He serves as our great high priest “on the basis of the power of an indestructible life” (Heb. 7:16).
Jesus came to live (literally to “tabernacle”) among us and call disciples to follow and serve him (John 1:1-14,35-51). Some of you reading this note are leaders of today’s followers of Jesus. Others, probably the majority, are called, as were the Levites, to support those in leadership. Offering such support is an important ministry. Without a good team of helpers, leaders find it difficult to implement vision. Helpers also provide a vital channel of feedback. Those who assist in spiritual ministry are greatly privileged. Of them, God says: “They are to be mine” (13).
In what ways could your church encourage, support, and sustain servant leaders?
Closing prayer
Lord Jesus, You described greatness as serving others. I need Your enabling to move beyond simply doing a service to becoming a servant.
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