Start Well, End Well
Opening Prayer
Loving Father, You know me by name. You care about every detail of my life. I love You, Lord.
Read 2 KINGS 20:1-21
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Proud people breed sad sorrows for themselves” (Emily Bronte, 1818-1848). Wise words!
King Hezekiah’s reign was glorious (2 Kings 18:5). He purged and restored the wayward kingdom of Judah and witnessed miraculous interventions by God: the deliverance of Jerusalem from a siege by the invading superpower Assyria (2 Kings 19:35-36); divine healing in his own body (5-7); and the wonder of a shadow going backwards (11). What blessing God had showered upon him! He even had the privilege of the prophet Isaiah’s ministry to guide him! You would think such a man would have finished his days honorably, having kept his integrity intact.
Alas, no! Hezekiah’s fame had spread because of the miraculous events he had witnessed. When visited and flattered by envoys from Babylon’s king, celebrity went to his head. His pride led to him showing them his wealth and weapons (13). Unwittingly he fuelled the covetous ambitions of the rulers of Babylon, poised to become the world’s next superpower. When Isaiah found out, he prophesied to him that before long, Babylon’s destructive power would sweep over Judah (16-18). And was Hezekiah bothered? Not in the least! He selfishly contented himself with the knowledge that he himself would be spared such catastrophe.
A man or woman of God can lead an exemplary life of piety and service for many years, only to have their reputation demolished and their record tarnished by some foolish display of arrogant self-importance. Is there no way back to God after such a fall? Of course there is! God always responds graciously to the genuine repentance of his humbled children, but they may well have to contend for a long time with the consequences of a misplaced manifestation of self-esteem. “When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom” (Prov. 11:2). Take heed!
If God revealed you would not die for 15 years (6), how would you live your life: confidently, daringly, trustfully or selfishly?
Closing prayer
Lord, my times are in Your hands. I want to live each day for You, and not in myself.
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