Simeon’s Christmas Treat
Opening Prayer
Amazing God, how great You are. What an amazing gift You have given us in Your Son, Jesus Christ!
Read LUKE 2:21-35
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
As we praise God for his redemption and salvation in Christ, we must remember the poor, for whom the Christmas season acts as a reminder of their pain.
Many of us remember being children longing for Christmas to come so that we could open our presents. It just never seemed to arrive! Then, when it came, we wished the day would never end. But it did–and then we had to wait a whole year until the next Christmas. Today’s reading speaks of Simeon, who, like a small boy, was looking forward with longing. He didn’t want presents. He wanted God to act in history and bring redemption to the world. He wasn’t a child, but a righteous old man of Israel. God had told him that he would not die until he saw the greatest gift of all, God’s Messiah (26). He was waiting, waiting, waiting.
Then the day finally came. It was Jesus’ eighth day, the day his parents brought him to the Temple for circumcision and naming. They were not wealthy and so offered the Levitical sacrifice of the poor–two turtledoves or pigeons (Lev. 12:8). God’s Messiah came from poverty (2 Cor. 8:9). Today, above all days, we should remember the poor. Simeon, yearning for Christmas, was led to the Temple by the Spirit this day. He watched the little boys being brought forward for circumcision. Finally, Jesus was brought and God spoke to Simeon’s heart: “This is the one!” Simeon came forward and took the child with rejoicing. His Christmas had come! He sang the song known as the Nunc Dimittis, the fourth hymn in Luke’s Gospel.
His song is one of joy, for his life’s dream was complete. God’s Messiah had come. God’s promise was fulfilled. Salvation has come for all. Isaiah’s light to the Gentiles is shining (Isa. 9:1-6). What a day for Simeon! What a day for us all! Enjoy it. Rejoice! Remember that now that Christ has come, every day is Christmas. Celebrate God with us! Go and tell the world.
When you were growing up, was there a Sunday school teacher, youth leader or pastor who made you feel special? How did they make you feel good? Is there some young person you can make feel special?
Closing prayer
Lord, I thank You for those who affirmed me and shared their spiritual wisdom with me. Bring me opportunities to pass it forward.
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