Radical Foolishness
Opening Prayer
Lord, “Help me spread Your fragrance wherever I go. Flood my soul with Your spirit and life” (Mother Teresa, 1910-97).
Read Luke 10:1-16
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“God gives us his Word, first to hide it in our hearts, then to announce it with our lips and work it out in our lives” (Dr. A. Skevington Wood).
This passage reminds us once again of the centrality of the announcement (9,11) and demonstration (9) of the Kingdom of God to the mission of Jesus and his followers. The significant increase in the numbers of those entrusted with this mission signals that this responsibility is given to every Christian, and is not the reserve of a select few.
Given this, how important it is that we fully grasp what Jesus meant by the Kingdom of God. It is “God’s dynamic rule breaking into human history through Jesus, confronting, combating and overcoming evil, spreading the wholeness of personal and communal well-being, taking possession of his people in total blessing and total demand. The church is meant to be the Kingdom community, a model of what human community looks like when it comes under the rule of God, and a challenging alternative to secular society” (John Stott). What a staggeringly comprehensive agenda this is, and we are called to be an integral part of it.
At a personal level, each of us will struggle with a program so radical and daunting. We know that it is way, way beyond our capabilities. Yet it is precisely this realization that makes us eminently qualified to serve in the Kingdom, for it is this which can nurture the humility that allows us to walk faithfully with God. Moreover, God chooses those the world considers weak and foolish to pursue his agenda (1 Cor. 1:26-31). The fear of failure and looking foolish can prevent us from growing into the servant Jesus longs for us to be. Praise God for those who risk being idiots for him, and pray that more churches will become places of nurture for all those committed to God’s Kingdom agenda.
Is there anything that makes you hesitant in your pursuit of God’s Kingdom agenda? Make them a prayer priority today.
Closing prayer
Father, I want to be used to point others to You. I pray for sensitivity and guidance as I look to share the good news of Your love.
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