Quiet Confidence
Opening Prayer
Merciful Father, You are the source of all forgiveness and grace. Inspire me to be Your Kingdom person today.
Read Psalm 21:1-13
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[1] For the director of music. A psalm of David.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“In repentance and rest is your salvation; in quietness and trust is your strength” (Isa. 30:15). That’s a promise worth receiving!
During the monarchy in ancient Israel, the king was a pivotal figure. In this psalm we have a celebration of what God has done through the king in giving victory over his enemies and bringing peace to the nation.
This psalm falls into two halves. In the first half (1-6), the people are celebrating, looking back to what God has done for the king. We know from 1 and 2 Samuel that God did give victory to David over his enemies, so the people look back and thank God for his goodness to the king. God has given the king life (4), glory, splendor and majesty (5). Of course, these last three attributes only truly belong to God, but they indicate that the king reflects God’s glory. The second half of the psalm (7-13) looks forward to what God will do. The king will continue to experience victory over his enemies. Those who oppress the Lord’s people will be defeated and the Lord’s fire will consume them (9). The victory will be complete. In the center lie the reasons for the past victories and for confidence in the future (7): the king does not trust in himself or military power but in God; the king is trusting God and he will not be shaken. The psalmist expresses quiet confidence in God’s unfailing love.
We can also see how much this psalm is fulfilled in Jesus. We can look back to the victory he achieved over sin and death. We can look forward to the victory we know will be his. I have read to the end of the book, and Jesus wins! In this present moment, we can have quiet confidence in God’s unfailing love for us. Because of this we will not be shaken.
Do you have quiet confidence in God’s unfailing love for you? How is that obvious? Believe his promise and know that, in him, you will not be shaken (8).
Closing prayer
Sovereign Lord, in a world of constant change, upheaval, and chaos, I need Your stabilizing presence. Center me in Your love and release Your peace within me.
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