Pride Comes Before A Fall
Opening Prayer
I will sing Your praises, O Lord. I will sing his praises forever. You alone are worthy of all praise.
Read Jeremiah 48:26-47
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“Collective pride is probably the worst form of sin, since in this case, whole peoples succumb to idolatrous pretension” (Reinhold Niebuhr, 1892-1971).
The dangers of pride are mentioned throughout the Bible. Today’s passage mentions national pride (29). Moabites proudly gloated over the downfall of Judah, oblivious to the fact that one day they would suffer the same fate (27). Their pride deceived them and lured them into a false sense of security, so that they failed to recognize their need of the Lord who controlled events.
Moab’s pride was a personal affront to God, and the nation is described as having “defied the Lord” (26). The Hebrew term translated “defied” means to make great or to magnify. Instead of magnifying the Lord, they magnified and exalted themselves. This arrogance would bring terrible judgment on them. Their plight would be greatly exacerbated by the attitude of others who would ridicule them in their time of distress (39). The Moabites, however, are reminded about how they had cruelly ridiculed others who faced catastrophe (27). They would reap what they had so thoughtlessly sown.
One of the remarkable features of this passage is the emphasis on how deeply the necessity of judgment brings pain to the heart of God. Several vivid and evocative verbs are employed to describe God’s revulsion at the judgment Moab will receive. God “wails,” “cries out” and “mourns” (31); he “weeps” (32) and his “heart laments” for Moab (36). Even in the midst of judgment, God’s heart is moved with compassion. Moreover, after the message of judgment on Moab, the passage concludes with a gracious promise of restoration (47). The compassion of God stands at the center of Christian theology and reminds us that the One we worship is concerned about us and cares deeply when we suffer.
“How often I have longed to gather your children together as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing” (Luke 13:34b). Thank God for his unfailing love.
Closing prayer
Merciful Father, I know that any correction I receive from You is given within the embrace of Your love.
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