Past and Presence
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, Yours is the kingdom, Yours is the power, Yours is the glory. I exalt Your name.
Read NUMBERS 9:1-14
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Recall to mind some special times when God moved significantly in your life. And remember to give thanks to him!
The Passover continues to be celebrated by millions of Jews worldwide and must be one of the oldest–if not the oldest–religious rituals of its type still observed. The first Passover was instituted in Egypt on the eve of the Exodus. Today’s reading records its second observance, this time at Sinai.
Jesus was brought up to celebrate the Passover. During his last Passover, he explained to the disciples that its redemptive significance would be fulfilled in his death. That death was symbolized by eating bread and drinking wine. The disciples are instructed to repeat this representation of his death in remembrance of him (Luke 22:16,19), later called the Lord’s Supper (1 Cor. 11:20). One of the purposes of both Passover and Eucharist is to help participants remember the key redemptive acts of God in Egypt and at Calvary.
The Bible lays great stress on memory. The word “remember” occurs over 160 times in the NIV. One of our main problems is spiritual amnesia. The Lord complains: “You have forgotten me” (Ezek. 22:12). Dennis Coon, in his book Introduction to Psychology, informs us that remembering people and events helps us to make sense of life. “Life without memory would be meaningless…. You would have no identity, no knowledge, no life history, and no recognition of friends and family…. In a very real sense we are our memories.” Similarly, what makes our Christian life meaningful is to recall constantly the key events of redemptive history. Daily reading of, and especially meditating on, Scripture helps to archive these episodes in our long-term memory. Our working (or short-term) memory is then able to retrieve them. On average, short-term memory has a capacity for only seven bits of information at any one time, so deciding to rehearse Scripture regularly maintains it in our consciousness. This is vital if we are to overcome spiritual amnesia.
Resolve to learn the memory verse of the week. Through it, allow the Lord to speak to you.
Closing prayer
Father, I want to remember You, not forget You. Enrich my daily walk with You as I memorize Your Word.
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