No Dream Ending
Opening Prayer
Lord, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path” (Psa. 119:105). I praise You for it.
Read GENESIS 40:1-23
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“Patience is not a virtue greatly coveted in these exciting days…Delays, detours, and even disciplines tend to irritate us. It is the day of instant everything” (John N. Gladstone).
Most dreams do not reveal the future. The dreams of the cupbearer and baker, however, are different. What distinguishes them is that they are paired together. The Joseph story contains three pairs of dreams. His initial pair of dreams set in motion a sequence of events that lead to his being incarcerated in an Egyptian jail. As we shall see in tomorrow’s reading, a third pair of dreams will lead to his being released from prison. Since all three pairs of dreams originate with God, he alone can give their true meaning. As Joseph readily acknowledges, “Do not interpretations belong to God?” (8).
What relief the king’s cupbearer must have felt on being restored to his official position within the royal court! This will have been especially so when he witnessed the unfortunate fate of his colleague, the chief baker. Yet we sense that here is a man who lacks true moral character. Having experienced life as a prisoner, once set free he immediately forgets about Joseph. There is no hint of gratitude for what Joseph did. More importantly, is there no attempt to investigate Joseph’s claim that he was unjustly imprisoned. Enjoying the status of his office, the chief cupbearer cares only about his own well-being. As followers of Jesus, how passionate are we to see justice for all? Would we have remembered Joseph or merely thanked God for being set free?
In the light of these dreams coming true, Joseph must have wondered about the fulfillment of his earlier dreams. Would they yet become a reality? No doubt he senses in these events the hand of God. How disappointed he must have felt when the chief cupbearer did nothing! Sometimes in the purposes of God, we need to persevere patiently, especially when other people let us down.
Pray for the witness of Christians who contact those in prison. Is there a part you can play in that ministry?
Closing prayer
Father, You have been so patient and faithful with me and I am so grateful. May I be patient with others and faithful to my promises to them.
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