No Blank Checks
Opening Prayer
My God, in my busy, cluttered world, I long to see Your face and be touched by Your healing grace.
Read JEREMIAH 7:1-29
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
Think of a building like a church or cathedral that has made a deep impression on you. What was it saying to you?
Halfway from Jerusalem to Samaria lay the ruins of Shiloh, where Israel set down their Tent of Meeting. By Eli’s day, greedy priests were treating worshipers’ offerings with appalling disrespect and sleeping with the women who worked there (1 Sam 2:12-14,22). They sent the ark containing the Ten Commandments into battle as if it would guarantee God’s support, but the Philistines wiped out their shrine. From a priestly family in Anathoth, Jeremiah may well have been a descendant of Eli, with this history in his heart. Now he stands boldly on the steps of the refurbished Jerusalem temple, urging worshipers to learn the lesson of Shiloh.
Haunting poetry gives way to simple prose in this sermon. It is the contents of God’s law that matter, not the packaging in a place of worship (14) or a pattern of sacrifices (22). He singles out five of the commandments that are being flouted (9) but also stresses compassionate justice, with the phrase, found frequently in Deuteronomy, listing the three most vulnerable groups in society (5,6). “Reform your ways and your actions,” the prophet urges (3,5). Repeated behavior can form habits and attitudes. Conversely, attitudes carelessly picked up can lead to perverse actions. We can get so bound up in all the stress of our working lives or the paraphernalia of church activities that we fail to notice how we are slipping away from God’s values.
God offers no blanket guarantee to bless what we are doing. The temple will never be a safe den where robbers can rest (11); it may well finish up in rubble like Shiloh. The good news is that Shiloh was replaced by Jerusalem and, for us, the temple in Jerusalem was replaced by the body of Christ. Destruction in one generation offers opportunity for faithful people to build something new.
Be encouraged that God is faithful to his promises forever, but resolve never to take God for granted in what you are doing.
Closing prayer
My God, in my busy, cluttered world, I long to see Your face and be touched by Your healing grace.
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