Never Alone
Opening Prayer
“I am with you always” (Matt. 28:20). Before you read about the resurrection, stop and be aware of the presence of the risen Lord.
Read Matthew 28:1-20
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“You are the God who performs miracles; You display Your power among the peoples” (Psa. 77:14). A great verse for Resurrection Day!
The women had seen him die and seen him buried. Now they are the first to be told of his resurrection. Their response offers a pattern for all disciples.
It begins with awe. They are told not to be afraid but are inevitably awestruck. There are no grounds for taking the resurrection for granted. It is a sovereign act of awesome power. Jesus is raised, never to die again. Death is no longer the end. A new order has begun in which all authority belongs to the risen Lord. Awe leads to joy, because they are reunited with Jesus forever. A relationship has been restored, which nothing and no one, not even death, can break. At the heart of Christian discipleship lies this relationship with Christ.
Joy turns to worship. The women worshiped him as soon as they saw him, and so did the men (though some hesitated). Worship is not a duty: it is the instinctive response of those who meet Jesus. There could be no further doubts about his identity and only one response to his person. Awe and joy: trembling at his majesty and delight at his intimate presence meet in the best of Christian worship.
The final response is mission: the disciples are recommissioned to tell others and make new disciples. Whatever other stories may circulate (13), Christians are to proclaim the fact of the resurrection and the possibility of becoming disciples of Christ. They are to call men and women to follow, just as they had been called. There is no distinction between conversion and discipleship. They are to make disciples in the same way that Jesus had made them disciples. Most wonderful of all, they are not to do this for Jesus but with Jesus–to the end of the age.
Jesus’ final command? “Make disciples” (19). How can you call others to be his disciples and teach them what he has taught you?
Closing prayer
Mighty God, on this day of days, I am reminded that love prevails, sin and Satan are defeated, and death is overcome. Thank You for such good news.
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