Mystery and Certainty
Opening Prayer
You are the God of my days and seasons. As advent begins, I rejoice in the anticipation and hope of Christmas.
Read Psalm 94:1-23
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
This psalm is a reminder that we must always be seeking God’s help in the realm of spiritual warfare. Read and reflect on Ephesians 6:10-20.
Think Further
The Christian life is often characterized by polarities, where two realities must be held in tension. Today’s psalm reminds us of one such polarity: mystery and certainty.
The mystery confronts us almost every day. It is the perplexing puzzle of why a world ruled by the just and sovereign Lord should so often be dominated by the arrogance and power of the wicked. With God’s people the world over, many of whom suffer at the hands of ruthless dictators and unjust systems, we protest. We long for God’s intervention (2,3). The psalmist identifies the attributes of so many contemporary societies, where the arrogance, oppression and ruthless exploitation of the vulnerable are such ugly features of ungodliness (4-7). But with mystery there is certainty. God sees the futility of the wicked and knows their ultimate destiny. He is a God of perfect justice, and in his time the wicked will be judged and the righteous vindicated (12-15). And when the believer feels his foot slipping, God’s covenant love supports him; his care and protection are certain. He is the rescuer of his people who consoles the anxious and supports the weak; he is the fortress in the storm (16-22). His justice will be triumphant in the end, judging his enemies and protecting his people.
The themes of this psalm might seem offensive–the God of vengeance, the God who destroys. But God’s anger, his judgment and his discipline are consistent with his holy love. They are necessary elements in our world and in our lives, if order is to be established, if justice is to be done, and if the final restoration of all things is to be completed when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven (2 Thess. 1:5-10). We should not deny the mystery, but must hold on to the certainty.
Pray for Christians who face injustice and oppression, and ask the Lord to sustain them by the knowledge of his fatherly care and ultimate judgment.
Closing prayer
Powerful One, I put my trust in You in the face of adversity. I thank You for the equipping power of the protective armor You give me.
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