Make It Visible
Opening Prayer
Lord, You are the source of all truth and the great revealer. Today, reveal more of Your truth to me from Your Word.
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Today we have a distrust of words, speechmaking and promises. This is a great day for the Christian. We must demonstrate clearly the difference Jesus makes in life by modeling “kingdom living”!
Millennia before the concept of individual learning styles become prominent in teaching, Paul emphasized the importance of truth being seen and experienced, as well as heard. Having enthralled the Philippians with the wonder of their salvation and hope of glorious future transformation, Paul earths his words in gritty practicality and pastoral warmth.
How is Christ’s salvation made visible? Well, it is seen when two valiant, faithful leaders who have fallen out are reconciled with the help of others in the congregation, because the issue of who is right is less important than their shared status “in the cause of the Gospel” (3). It is shown when, despite threats from outside the church, challenges from within and personal uncertainty concerning the future, God’s people brim over with joy because of their relationship with Jesus (4). It is evident when celebration is coupled with thoughtful gentleness to all (5). It is witnessed when prayers of thanksgiving and petition are the reflex reaction both to God’s nearness and to life’s anxieties (6). It is observed when believers direct their thinking to the beautiful and good, in a society often titillated by the risqué and murky (8). Paul here honors virtues admired in Greco-Roman stoicism, a constructive apologetic stance, but looks at them through the prism of Christian discipleship (9).
How, then, do we know that we “stand firm in the Lord” (1)? It is known in the unity of feisty, passionate leaders who choose to work together despite painful differences. It is practiced in the decision to discipline thoughts and actions for the sake of Christ. It is received as peace from the God of peace, a gift that logic and argument, circumstances and emotional state cannot deliver–a peace that outshines that externally imposed by soldiers and rulers, guarding hearts and minds.
How am I being called to make my faith visible and practical today?
Closing prayer
Father God, forgive me for my sins and deliver me from any duplicity. Empower me to live a life for You that clearly shows the difference You can make in a life.
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