Lord of the Nations
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, great in power and whose wisdom knows no end, I rejoice in praising You.
Read 2 KINGS 23:1-25
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
It has been said that “History is His Story.” Spend some time reflecting on how God’s hand can be seen at work in history.
We read now about Josiah’s public renewal of the covenant between God and his people. More details are given about the religious reforms he had already started. The rediscovery of the Book of the Law (2 Kings 22) undoubtedly inspired even greater fervor, including the reinstitution of Israel’s oldest, but no longer celebrated, annual feast, the Passover.
This festival of sacrifice was intended to remind the Israelites how much they owed their deliverance from Egyptian slavery and their existence as a nation to the gracious hand of a loving God (Exod. 12). Its neglect had contributed to the collective national forgetfulness of divine favor, facilitating their descent into idolatry. Jesus Christ is now “our Passover lamb” (1 Cor. 5:7). How important it is for Christians to participate regularly in communion and thus remember the price paid for their deliverance from slavery to sin by Christ’s sacrifice at Calvary!
Josiah’s reforms did not just purify the southern kingdom of Judah; they also extended to Israel, the former northern kingdom, indicated by the mention of Bethel and Samaria (15,19). The former superpower Assyria, which had overrun the northern kingdom, was now crumbling as the new superpower Babylon was ascending. Uncertainty and instability in international affairs was creating a window of opportunity for spiritual revival that allowed at least some northern Israelites to be reunited with their southern brothers in the true worship of the Lord. The Bible portrays God as the sovereign Lord of the whole world’s history, not just Israel’s. We may be anxious or alarmed at changes affecting the world today, but all of this is in God’s control, who alone knows how many are turning (or returning) to him in these times of change and insecurity.
When you watch, read or listen to the news today, thank God for his control of world affairs and for the fact that your life is in his hands.
Closing prayer
Sovereign Lord, the world news can be so depressing. Thank You for the reminder that I am not caught in the grip of circumstances but am secure in the love of God.
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