Life Questions
Opening Prayer
Life-Giving God, You are the One who can heal and rescue. How great You are!
Read LUKE 7:18-23
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Even the best of God’s servants (like John the Baptist) need reassurance from time to time” (Darrell Bock). We need to be sensitive to those who need encouragement.
What Jesus said and did was not only controversial but also raised profound questions about who he was, not least in the mind of John the Baptist. Facing certain death, John had languished in prison for months and was puzzled, if not disappointed, that Jesus wasn’t behaving as expected. If he was the Messiah, why wasn’t he bringing wrath and judgment upon the Jewish nation’s oppressors–and so also vindicating prisoners like himself? John had prophesied that the coming one would come as Judge (3:7-9,15-17), not someone performing acts of mercy, so should he be expecting someone else?
Jesus’ reply is to point to the fulfillment of the Old Testament Scriptures about the Messiah in the healings, raising from the dead and preaching of good news to poor people (Isa. 35:5-6; 61:1). John’s disciples were instructed to return with first-hand accounts of what they had seen and heard. There was powerful testimony in these stories that would help John to see beyond his presuppositions and expectations to the fuller Scriptural picture of the Messianic kingdom. Jesus had come to bring good news, as he had announced when he inaugurated his ministry in Nazareth’s synagogue (Luke 4:18-21). Without denying the fact of judgment, the Kingdom of God is first of all good news.
In Western post-Christendom society, is the church provoking questions about Jesus’ identity or are we in danger of being known more for what we’re against than what we’re for? In our reply to questions can we point to the reality of Jesus in our midst? Are we vibrant Jesus-centered communities of people who are good news to all who encounter us? Our claims to faith must be authenticated by lifestyles of compassion, trust in a God of the miraculous and good news in word as well as deed.
Consider what questions your church provokes among those with whom it comes into contact. What would people miss if you didn’t exist? How might your conclusions shape your church’s mission priorities?
Closing prayer
Lord Jesus, move in a dynamic way in my life and in the life of my church.
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