Opening Prayer
“Turn us, before the day is out, from our will to Yours… Relocate us in Your eternal resolve” (Walter Brueggemann).
Read LUKE 9:1–9
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Jesus had a strategy to develop leaders—he aimed to reproduce himself in them” (Leighton Ford).
At first reading this is exciting stuff. The disciples get to do that which until then they had largely watched (Matt. 9:35). However, it was also a demanding new phase in their life with Jesus. It is one thing to be thrilled as you watch someone do spectacular things and totally another to have to do them yourself! The time for observing was over. Now they were to learn by doing what Jesus did, then talking with him about their experience (10). For this he gave them power and his authority to use that power, as he still does for us today (John 14:12–14).
The rough conditions of their journey into the surrounding villages, with none of the usual provisions (3), added to the scale of the challenge. This was to be a venture of faith from first to last—God would provide all they needed (11:3; 12:22–34). It was vital preparation for them in sharing Jesus’ ministry, as we see later (22) when he begins to tell his uncomprehending disciples what the future holds for him.
Ideas about leadership are changing, both in and out of the church. The heroic, lone-ranger leader, out in front, challenging people to follow, is increasingly unpopular. Equally the minister as holy expert doesn’t sit comfortably with a generation that has learned to question everything. Instead, the leader as coach or mentor resonates with contemporary discipleship needs and is exemplified here by Jesus (3–5; 10:17–19). Learning by observing, doing, then reflecting on the experience helps people grow. Effective discipling to live a twenty-first-century Jesus lifestyle is significantly aided by having mentors alongside, whether leaders or not.
How might you benefit from a mentor or spiritual director? Could you invest in someone else in a similar way?
Closing prayer
Father, thank You for those who have invested their lives in me. Guide me to be a mentor to others.
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