Know the Power of God
Opening Prayer
Gracious God, Your love, compassion and peace inspire me. May they define who I am as I travel through ups and downs of life.
Read Luke 20:27–40
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
One of the themes of this passage is how different the life in heaven will be from our life here on earth. It is a new order of existence and as children of the resurrection, we will not die. Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Sometimes the motive in asking a question can be dubious. The Sadducees ask about the resurrection to show how absurd the very idea was. They do not really want an answer, because the dilemma they outline merely shows (to them) the lack of logic in a belief in resurrection. At another level, however, their question is important, as it raises an issue at the very heart of Christianity dealing with the key to Christian hope. So, although the question even has its humorous side (would you want to marry this woman? It seems like death to do so!), Jesus’ response is very significant.
He notes that the resurrection life will be quite unlike this life—there will be no marriage in that era. Relationships will function on a different footing at that time. Death will have been abolished so sexual relations and any need to continue a family line will be unnecessary. Being angelic will consist of a deathless, immortal state. Then, perhaps more subtly, Jesus implies that not everyone will be resurrected—only those considered worthy (35). He wants to raise the issue of who will, and will not, receive resurrection to the new life.
Really, Jesus is saying nothing new. He draws attention to Exodus 3:2–6 in the part of the Old Testament that the Sadducees saw as authoritative. The problem the Sadducees raise is actually a pseudo-problem and shows their failure to understand God’s promise of resurrection, a fundamental hope. Matthew’s account of this incident gives the reason for their failure—a lack of understanding not only of the Scriptures but also of God’s power (Matt. 22:29; Mark 12:24). To believe in something as supernatural as resurrection requires an acknowledgment of the power of God—and then we will truly be able to witness to God’s amazing plans for his people.
What do you find hardest to believe in the Christian faith? Why do you think this is?
Closing prayer
Lord, help me to see afresh Your promise of resurrection for all believers and to make that the basis of my hope in this life.
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