King of Kings
Opening Prayer
Mighty God, Your love embraces me and gives me security, and Your Spirit fills me and gives me strength. I worship You!
Read Daniel 2:24-49
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Jesus shall reign where’re the sun…” (Isaac Watts, 1674–1748). Whatever you face this week, never lose sight of this truth. Put your hand in his and your hope in him.
Face to face with the king, even Daniel must have quaked. However, his words were clear and confident. They contained within them a faith that takes God seriously and will not allow him to be excluded from public life. He states the dream which is, in visual form, an outline of “things to come” (29). The statue is portrayed in all of its magnificence and then the catastrophic drama is played out when it is smashed to smithereens by the rock which transforms into a huge mountain.
As boldly as the dream is stated, so, without spin or wordplay, the interpretation is given. In many ways it is very disturbing to the king, for it puts him firmly in his place. Whoever he might think he is, in the course of history he is simply one king from one dynasty in one period. However unique he would like to think himself to be, he is, in the end, simply one of a line and that line will be swept away by forces stronger and more powerful than he. It will, in the end, be God’s kingdom that endures.
Trying to salvage something from this verdict of history, the king can at least take comfort that he will outshine his successors and that the ultimate calamity will not occur in his lifetime. His foolishness is shown in that, having acknowledged God as the one who reveals mysteries and controls history, he then gets on with his normal life, leaving God out of his calculations. However, God is not someone who accepts tacit recognition or even favors being dispensed on his followers as due recognition. God is not yet finished with the king! A desire to know the future does not exempt anyone from right living in the present.
“Only one life, twill soon be past; only what’s done for Christ will last” (C. T. Studd, 1860–1931). How is the truth of this statement illustrated in today’s passage? What does it say to you?
Closing prayer
Lord, You are in control of all things, You will have the last word, You will close the book of history. I bow before You and bless Your name.
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