Keeping Gospel Doors Open
Opening Prayer
Mighty Lord God, today I gladly join the cosmic chorus of praise and worship offered to You.
Read ACTS 24:22-27
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Sometimes we need to build relationships before a witnessing opportunity will present itself.
Felix repeatedly stalled in giving his verdict on Paul, hoping for a bribe (even though that was illegal) and not wanting to provoke further unpopularity among his predominantly Jewish subjects. Knowing that the case against Paul was flimsy, he allowed some relaxation of conditions under which Paul was detained and took advantage of the opportunity, with his beautiful, teenage wife, Drusilla, of hearing Paul expand on the Way. Paul had no hesitation in speaking about the Gospel as it impacted on Felix’s cruel, immoral life. He talked about “right relations with God and his people, about a life of moral discipline and the coming judgment” (25, The Message). This proved too much for Felix’s conscience and he dismissed him, but for two years Felix continued frequent conversations with Paul, while never making a ruling. Then opportunity ceased, when Rome recalled him because he ordered troops in Caesarea to slaughter thousands of Jews in violent confrontation with Greeks, thus causing a major riot.
This record has parallels with Herod’s imprisonment of John the Baptist (Mark 6:17-20). Both men spoke boldly to rulers, honestly exposing their faults but offering them opportunity for repentance and forgiveness. We do not find it easy to speak directly to people in power, for fear of the consequences, but it is interesting that Paul’s open approach did not close the door to further conversations. There is an offense to the Gospel, but as its messengers we should never act offensively. Much wisdom is required for courteous messengers to keep the doors open for further conversations as long as is possible, while never diluting God’s truth. The time will come when opportunities cease, but as God’s messengers, we also face his coming judgment. How faithfully have we demonstrated the Way by word and action, to both the powerful and the powerless?
Is there some injustice you should speak out about? Or should you defend the faith in some way? Take time to listen to God.
Closing prayer
Patient One, may my patience and love for others be a reflection of Your love for them.
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