Keep Growing
Opening Prayer
Almighty God, on this special day, I give You my thanks. You are always guiding, providing, and surrounding me with love.
Read Colossians 2:6-15
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Nowhere does the New Testament teach perfection in this lifetime. It does, however, teach progress in the Christian life” (William Hull, 1930-2013). We must always remember this truth.
One of the joys of living in a tourist city is that we receive many visitors each year. Tourists glide into town in their air-conditioned buses, stay for an hour, and then they are off to the next city. The tourist is quite different from the pilgrim. The tourist looks for the immediate, the pilgrim for the long-term. In this section, Paul describes three important areas of growth that should characterize the true disciple.
The first is a call to godly living. If we have received Christ, we must now live in him (6). “Receiving Christ” means receiving the truth of the Gospel, but also receiving the Person (“Christ in you” 1:27). And having “received Christ Jesus as Lord,” we are then to demonstrate that reality through living Christ’s life. It’s impossible to say, “I’ve received Christ as Lord,” and then fail to live a life that is dependent on him and obedient to him. The second call is to spiritual growth. Paul reminds us that we are rooted in Christ (7). We are settled and secure in him, nourished by his life. Now we must grow up spiritually, built up brick by brick. Third, there is the call to grow in Christian understanding. Having being taught the truth, we are now to be “strengthened” (7), to increase in our knowledge of the truth and our experience of its power. The early church, empowered by the Spirit, knew that this mattered: “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42).
And notice verse 7: “overflowing with thankfulness.” God is the one who causes growth. Thank God you have received Christ–now live a Christ-like life. Thank God you have been rooted in Christ–now commit yourself to spiritual growth. Thank God you were taught–now grow in Christian understanding.
Can you identify one or two areas of your life where you would like to see progress? Make a note of these things, and focus on them in prayer.
Closing prayer
Yes Lord, I want to be overflowing with thankfulness. I rejoice in Your faithfulness to me and the abundance You have given me. I am truly blessed.
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