Jesus' Authority
Opening Prayer
Mighty and Merciful Father, Your power and love always work together for my good. Rid me of all paralyzing fears.
Read LUKE 4:38-44
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“Wise followers of Christ’s way have always understood the necessity and benefit of solitude. It is, to quote an old phrase, ‘the furnace of transformation'” (John Ortberg). See verse 42.
Luke continues to introduce the reader to Jesus’ ministry by sketching three typical scenarios: the first is personal (Simon’s mother-in-law); the second shows Jesus with crowds; the third has him alone, but pursued by the crowds.
It is a surprise that Luke refers to Simon’s house here, without any more explanation of who Simon was or how Jesus knew him. We know from John’s gospel that Simon had already met Jesus when John the Baptist was baptizing (John 1:35-42). Luke must have assumed that all his readers would know who Simon was. (Luke’s medical interest is shown in his use of the term “high fever,” 38, since fevers were classified by doctors of the time as “high,” “medium” or “low”; neither Matthew nor Mark is so precise.) Jesus treated the fever in exactly the same way as he had treated the demon in verse 35, by rebuking it. The word “rebuke” sounds odd in this context, as it does when Jesus “rebukes” the wind (Mark 4:39); it has something of the force of an adult saying to a child, “Stop that this minute!” If he did not cast out demons like an exorcist, neither did he cure a fever like a doctor. In both situations he asserted his authority over them, and this is what the onlookers noticed. Ironically, the demons, confronted with divine authority, recognized who Jesus was.
The ministry continues at sunset, after the Sabbath had ended. There were crowds, but one can only imagine that Jesus paid individual attention to each one he laid his hands on and healed. Now that he is risen from the dead and has sent us his Spirit, he does not have to leave us in order to go on to other towns.
Jesus was busy, yet he took time to be alone (42). How do you discern God’s long-range plans for you, amid the pressure of urgent needs?
Closing prayer
Sovereign Lord, I need to tune in to the rhythms of the Spirit, so I can live productively for You. Speak Lord, while I wait before You.
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