In Wrath Remember Mercy
Opening Prayer
Father God, I reach out to You, acknowledging Your greatness, asking for more of You in my life.
Read Psalm 6:1-10
[1] For the director of music. With stringed instruments. According to
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Picture David’s situation as described in this psalm, and try to enter into his mood.
No less than one third of the psalms are songs of personal or communal lament, expressing despair, grief, anger, protest and repentance. Most certainly, not every distress that comes our way has a direct link to particular sins we commit, but some do. Our loving Heavenly Father does discipline us as children (Heb. 12:6), and David’s lament here suggests that he believes this to be one such instance.
“When a big problem knocks you down,” according to the African saying, “little ones climb on you!” David may have angered God and incurred his righteous punishment, but enemies used the opportunity to add to his woes in a particularly grievous manner (7,10). The net effect was altogether debilitating for his body, mind and soul (2-3) and resulted in sleepless nights when he drenched his pillow in tears (6).
The man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14) was only too aware that he had no righteousness of his own to plead. Wisely, he cast his entire being on God’s grace and mercy (2-4). Evidently, he believed that the chief end of his very existence was to praise God in a way that is impossible in Sheol, the place of those who die in their sins (5). This was the focus of his plea: that he would be restored and enabled to praise the Lord in whose steadfast love he finds his refuge. This is confidence-inspiring territory, and he was immediately assured that God hears and answers. It is now the turn of the enemies to be greatly troubled (10)!
Psalms of lament are tools to draw us closer to God in times of trouble. What hymns and songs do you know which serve the same purpose?
Closing prayer
Intervening God, I place my trust in You, the One who can turn despair into hope.
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