Imagining the Kingdom
Opening Prayer
Father, You are so faithful to Your word. Today, I am standing on Your promises. I bless Your name.
Read JEREMIAH 33:14-26
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“At the end of Matthew’s gospel, Jesus commissions his followers to go out and make disciples from every nation, giving an indication that the Messiah’s worldwide rule is going to come true” (N.T. Wright).
There is much that we simply cannot know, much that God keeps hidden from us. While Jeremiah was commanded to speak God’s words, he could not have known or understood the enormous significance of this particular prophecy. We know now, of course, that Jeremiah was speaking prophetically of the work of Jesus; but at this point, we cannot know how all that he was foretelling would come to pass. Still, we can take great heart from Jeremiah’s words and example. Consider Jeremiah’s faithfulness. His “troubled life spanned one of the most troublesome periods in Hebrew history … Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. And Jeremiah was in the middle of all of it, sticking it out, praying and preaching, suffering and striving, writing and believing” (Donald English). Consider the staggering magnitude of God’s promise through Jeremiah that the time will come when the Messiah will “execute justice and righteousness in the land” (15, NRSV). This is a gilt-edged promise, likened to the guarantee referred to by Jeremiah (20) that God will never abandon his creation (Gen. 8:21,22).
The God who loves justice calls us to share this passion. When we do, discovering in the process a deep need for resilience and grace, this prophecy assures us that no matter how persistent and ubiquitous injustice and violence is in the present, we are walking and working with the One who will be triumphant. It also reminds us that even though the pain of a groaning creation (Rom. 8:22) is intensifying, we can commit to its loving and grateful care in the absolute confidence that God, too, has a creation commitment, not to its obliteration but to its renewal.
“The point is not to completely understand God but to worship him. Let the very fact…lead you to praise him for his infiniteness and grandeur” (Francis Chan).
Closing prayer
Lord, I praise You for Your sovereign rule in the world. Amidst all the confusion and clamor in the world, I need to be reassured that You are in control.
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