How Great Is Our God
Opening Prayer
Sovereign Lord, You are the God of all my possibilities and impossibilities, and I am grateful.
Read Psalm 76:1-12
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[1] For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A psalm of Asaph. A song.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“How great is our God–sing with me. How great is our God–and all will see. How great, how great is our God” (Chris Tomlin). A Google search will give you the lyrics of this song. Sing it to the Lord as an act of worship.
Too often we settle for a domesticated view of God. When I worked in Africa the question I was often asked was not whether the Christian God loved enough to trust, but whether he was powerful enough to save. In a world where fear of spirits, of curses, of strong medicine was real, what mattered was whether God was able to deliver them. The testimony of the psalmist was simply that he was. You get what is on the label–with no small print. God is great, and he repeatedly demonstrated this in protecting his people from their enemies. Armies, for all their strength and equipment, are no match for the living God. Yet God is not cavalier in his actions. Behind his activity is a moral sense of purpose. His responses are not based on whim or pique, but are expressions of his righteous judgment.
How then should we respond? First we should never leave God out of our calculations. To go against his Word or will is a dangerous strategy and will sooner or later have inevitable consequences. The converse is also true. To walk in his will is to be assured of his protection and ultimate blessing. We should take time to know what matters to God, especially in terms of how we should live. Even when things seem to be going against us and we are aware of the deafening silence of God, we should keep faith.
Second, the God who dwells in Zion is not only to be feared, but also to be worshipped. Part of that worship is renewed dedication. Throughout life we make promises before God, maybe at a baptism, or at a wedding or at church membership. These vows, made solemnly before God, help to clarify the things that really matter and encourage us to stand firm when we are tempted to drift.
A promise is a promise, and a promise must be kept. God keeps his word; have you kept your promises to the Lord? If not, confess and make new resolves.
Closing prayer
Faithful God, in my world of constant change, You are my rock. I praise You for Your stabilizing presence.
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