Hope In God Alone
Opening Prayer
Loving Lord, as I go through this day, my hope is in You and You alone. You are my faithful and true Lord and God.
Read Psalm 90:1-17
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
[1] Psalms 90–106 A prayer of Moses the man of God.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
”Faithful One, so unchanging, / Ageless One, You’re my rock of peace … All through the storm / Your love is the anchor: / My hope is in You alone” (B. Doersten and D. Rademaker).
Centuries after God’s delivering “my people” from Egypt they were again in a foreign land, in forced exile. Psalm 89 expressed their anguish as they sought to understand the overthrow of the Davidic kingship, contrary to so many of God’s promises (especially 89:35-39). Psalm 90 begins a new “book” of the Psalter with “a prayer of Moses.” The way forward lies in recognizing deserved judgment—and the grounds for hope! In their distress, petitioners rely on the long-experienced character of the Creator, for this is a psalm for all humanity. The God who “brought forth the whole world” and who exists for all time (2) knows human sin and acts in judgment (7-9,11). He can also be called on to “have compassion” because of his “unfailing love” (13,14). There is recall of the relationship with God of past generations (1), of being his “servants” (13,16) and of hope for future generations (16). The eternal character of God means he does not give up on people he has made.
The psalm bids us reflect on the transience of life (3-6), an experience sadly common only in times of tragedy and bereavement, and life’s “trouble and sorrow” (10), but that is not the whole picture. There is “wisdom” in a right evaluation (12): “Seen in the light of God, what is evanescent becomes durable, what is miserable becomes glorious … Faith is able to reach out to the eternity of God” (A. Weiser). Such “eternity” is not a remote philosophical abstraction but a reminder of long-term, permanent faithfulness and favor in relationship (17). In circumstances of distress and conflict a later writer affirmed, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever” (Heb. 13:8) and another was to hear, “I am the Alpha and the Omega” (Rev. 1:8).
Read vs. 13-17 again, and praise God for all he has given us in Christ. Ask for wisdom to live daily in that light.
Closing prayer
Tender Lord, continue in Your grace and mercy to be the same for me in the future as You’ve been in the past. I trust the future to You.
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