Honor God
Opening Prayer
Loving Father, You are so worthy of it all–my attention, my praise, my worship and my love. You are amazing.
Read 2 KINGS 5:1-14
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
“The Lord knows your faith and will release his healing for you at the deepest level of your need. You can glorify the Lord that his healing miracle has begun” (Lloyd John Ogilvie). Wise words for anyone seeking healing.
Think Further
It is important for Naaman and all those observing this drama to see that his healing comes from the God of Israel. Though Elisha has already established his credentials as God’s prophet, glory must go to the source of his healing powers. The servant girl understands this. She recommends that Naaman go to Elisha, a conduit to the God of Israel. The king of Israel, however, doesn’t understand, immediately suspecting a plot, not an opportunity for God’s power to be demonstrated (7). At first Naaman doesn’t see the point either, even though God has been working through him (1). He thinks a pile of money and goods (5) might lead to his healing.
Naaman might have understood immersion in a special stream, like the one flowing through his home city, Damascus, as efficacious magic especially when multiplied by the magic number seven, but simple obedience to the command of this obscure prophet? You must be kidding! Anything would be better than plunging into the muddy waters of a foreign river (11-12). Jesus uses this as an example of a prophet not accepted in his home town (Luke 4:24-27). With hindsight, it also illustrates the rejection by Israel of their God–made more obvious by the contrasting attitude of the servant girl (who has every reason not to help her captor) and the final obedience of this foreign general.
This story is not so much about healing, but more about honoring God. Miracles are not uniformly spread through Scripture but occur in God’s timing at strategic points. Those in the previous chapter point to a compassionate God working through the new prophet. Here, the general’s healing is because he honored God (14), unlike Gehazi, Elisha’s servant, whose deceit and greed showed that he didn’t (21-27).
What actions demonstrate that you honor God? Is the Spirit convicting you of some activities which are not holy?
Closing prayer
All honor and praise to You, my Lord and my God. I am dependent on You for all things.
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