He Stood Up
Opening Prayer
Dear God, frequently I come to You and Your Word with my own preconceptions. Open my heart to hear Your truth.
Read Luke 19:1-10
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 International Bible Society. All rights reserved throughout the world. Used by permission of International Bible Society.
“Your spiritual life is not limited to certain devotional activitiesナIt is receiving power from the Spirit of God to become the person God had in mind when he created youラhis handiwork” (John Ortberg).
The story of Zacchaeus appeals to children, but it is an adult’s story of a wealthy and well-positioned grown-up who is lost and desperately needing help.
The expression “passing through” (1) gives the impression of a casual, unimportant event, but the event became an opportunity to transform a person for eternity. When Jesus got to where Zacchaeus was, “he looked up” and identified Zacchaeus out of the crowd (5). Small events acquire meaning when seen in the light of a bigger perspective; the temporary and transitory attain eternal meaning. Zacchaeus is quick to understand what the gospel demanded of him. Some of us grew up in church and still are not clear about the implications of the gospel. Like the blind man we read about yesterday, Zacchaeus was a pariah in his own society. Difficult circumstances soften the mindset and awaken new understandings. Zacchaeus is shaken, and this leads him to understand the implications of the gospel; this also can be our experience. Jesus pays attention to a rich person, abandoning the crowd. All humans, poor and wealthy, are in the same condition: we are lost (10). People did not like Zacchaeus and were very uncomfortable that Jesus would pay attention to him. Jesus frustrates the expectations of people by focusing his attention on this wealthy, despised person.
Jesus closes the event by making a clear statement of his mission “to seek and to save what was lost.” In saying that “salvation has come to this house,” he clearly states that salvation has to do with more than the soul. Rather, it impacts all areas of our life.
Zacchaeus “stood up” (8). Are you able to rise above the crowd’s criticism in order to obey Jesus? What response is the Gospel demanding from your life?
Closing prayer
Lord Jesus, when You came into my life You changed everything. Continue Your transforming work in me.
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