Good News for the Captive
Opening Prayer
Lord Jesus, one day I will go to be with You. Keep before me that this life is only a temporary assignment.
Read Isaiah 52:1-12
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
Isaiah (7) and Paul (Rom. 10:14,15) both saw the importance of those who share the Good News. We need to put on our “Good News Shoes” as we carry the Gospel to others.
After two previous calls for Zion/Jerusalem to awake–one to expect a new exodus (Isa. 51:9), the other to recognize restoration from the calamity of God’s wrath (Isa. 51:17)–this third call looks to the joy and salvation of the not-too-distant future (1,2). Instead of being a city infiltrated by defiling elements foreign to its covenant commitments, Jerusalem would again become a holy city. Its visible transformation would usher in a new era of strength and splendor. Instead of being held captive, Zion would soon be able to take action to shake off the past and be free again. This release and restoration is a vindication of God’s faithfulness in bringing to pass the good news he had foretold.
We all long for good news, especially when life is tough and positive change seems unlikely. There are times of serious illness or bereavement; times of unemployment or financial hardship; times of concern for the emotional well-being of family or friends. Sometimes devastating circumstances even lead to crises of faith. We are so grateful when someone is able to come alongside the person in need with the comfort and hope of good news.
Judah’s captives, too, would be grateful to the faithful messenger who announced that God still cared about them and would soon lead them home. The affirmation that “Your God reigns” (7) would encourage them greatly, despite their seemingly hopeless situation (Psa.137:1-6).They would anticipate being greeted with joyful celebration on their return. They would rejoice that God’s salvation and comfort would be evident for all to see. Finally, they would get ready to depart captivity as God’s holy people, in his time and with his protection (cf. Exod. 13:21,22). Maybe there are spiritual equivalents? Paul certainly affirms the indispensable role of those sent to preach the good news of Jesus (Rom. 10:14,15).
Who do you know that needs good news today? Think of one tangible way you can encouragement them.
Closing prayer
Gracious God, keep me attuned to the Spirit today so that I may grasp opportunities for faith sharing.
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