God: Unnamed and–Here!
Opening Prayer
Merciful Savior, I pray for an eager mind to learn, a dedicated will to serve, and a surrendered heart to love.
Read Exodus 2:1-25
For additional translations of the passage, use this link to Bible Gateway.
Scripture taken from the THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION, NIV Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.
God’s providence reminds us that God can use all things to fulfill his purposes and even uses evil for his glory and our good. It is helpful to remember this when trouble comes (c.f. Rom. 8:28; Gen. 50:20).
Today’s story rushes through 40 years and four scenes (what are they?). My curiosity is not necessarily gratified–I learn nothing of Moses’ upbringing; the Reuel/Jethro puzzle is unaddressed; there is another long gap at verse 23. God is not mentioned until verse 23, and the chapter ends with a deep gong (four God-verbs) sounding, reminding me that throughout the darkness and deep groaning God is present and active. I give thanks again for the several resourceful women in this narrative (all except Zipporah unnamed).
The central word in the 141 (Hebrew) words of verses 1-10 is the baby (an artist is at work placing every word in this story!). I observe how what is said about Moses as a child of destiny has echoes with many other parts of the Old Testament: he was a good (“fine,” 2) child–like everything else God had made (Gen. 1); he was found in an “ark” (3, NIV footnote), reminding me of Noah; he is called a “judge” (14); and the two rescue verbs in verses 17 and 19 are used often in the Old Testament. Finally, he calls his son “Stranger Boy” (22) showing that, even after years in the wilderness, Moses’ heart is still with his people sliding resourcelessly into slavery. Jesus, too, was a man of destiny, whose story has many silent years, who was a greater Savior and Redeemer than Moses.
I give thanks that through many years of childhood, danger, mistaken zeal, disappointment, ordinary courage, loneliness, marriage and parenthood, through many hidden years when nothing much has seemed to happen, God has been with me, shaping me, holding me. I renew my patience in God’s timing: Rameses II had 111 sons and 59 daughters–how amazing that this particular one was at the river bank at just that moment!
Have you dropped out, been biding your time, or simply been waiting on God’s plans for you? What for? How did that better prepare you for your future?
Closing prayer
Lord of my life, help me to see my actions today as freighted with eternity: eternity besieging my life. If I hurry, the future will not arrive sooner. Lord, help me to live fully, quietly in the present moment.
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